
Amendment 5

Supermajority Vote Required to Impose, Authorize, or Raise State Taxes or Fees

Right now, the state legislature can raise taxes with a simple majority vote. This amendment proposes raise the threshold for imposing new taxes and fees to two-thirds of the House and Senate.

The amendment, which originated with the Florida legislature, reads:

Prohibits the legislature from imposing, authorizing, or raising a state tax or fee except through legislation approved by a two-thirds vote of each house of the legislature in a bill containing no other subject. This proposal does not authorize a state tax or fee otherwise prohibited by the Constitution and does not apply to fees or taxes imposed or authorized to be imposed by a county, municipality, school board, or special district.

Republicans favor this proposal because it makes it harder to raise taxes, not just with the higher voting threshold, but with a provision that prevents the bundling of tax increases with other legislation. Florida already has one of the lowest tax burdens in the country, for what it’s worth. We would become one of 12 states in the U.S. requiring a supermajority if it passes.

The League of Women Voters opposes the amendment because there’s no provision in the amendment to waive the two-thirds requirement during emergencies like hurricanes and out of concern that it could become prohibitively difficult to raise taxes at times when it is needed.

If you vote yes, you are voting to raise the threshold for passing tax increases in Florida.

If you vote no, you are maintaining the current threshold of a simple majority vote in order to pass tax increases under which we’ve operated for years.