
The ultimate Miami glossary

Miami locals filmmaker Ximena Aliaguilla and comedian Lourdes Duarte (they went to Glades Middle School, so they’re legit) just made a new webseries, by Miami for Miami. And it’s hilarious.

Check it out here. Pero first, be sure to read this glossary so you’re not all like “Wait, what?”

Santería (noun) :

Literally: an Afro-Cuban religion infamous for animal sacrifice
Actually: People in white that you don’t want to fuck with

Pérate (verb):

Literally: Abbreviation for the Spanish “espérate,” meaning “wait”
Actually: Slow the fuck down

Columbus High (proper noun):

An all boys private school in the Cuban-American suburbs (see: Cocaine Cowboys; “beisbol” scholarship)

Donde el diablo perdió el mechero (expression):

Literally: Where the devil lost his lighter
Actually: Far as shit (anything north of Hialeah)

Pa la pinga (expression)

Literally: To the dick
Actually: The original “no fucks left to give”

Ultra Kids (noun)

Overprivileged, Molly-popping, EDM-thumping teenagers who take over Downtown Miami for Spring Break and wreak havoc on traffic and sanity everywhere

Dale (verb?):

Literally: From the Spanish phrase meaning “give it”
Actually: “Get it,” “I’m down,” “Sounds good”

¿Que qué? (interjection)

Literally: “What the what?”
Not to be mistaken with “queque” (cake)

Chupacabra (noun):

A deformed mythical creature known for killing and preying on smaller and weaker animals

Cualquiera (noun):

Literally: A nobody (female)
Actually: A “basic bitch” you actually know nothing about

“En la lucha” (expression)

Spanish for “in the struggle” — as in, it’s real

Pata Sucia (pejorative noun):

Literally: She with the dirty feet
Actually: She who (GASP!) takes her shoes off in public

“ñooo que barato” (expression):

Literally: Spanish for “Damn, that’s cheap!
Actually: A Wal Mart-like chain of Miami discount stores called “Daaamn That’s Cheap!”