
What issues affect South Beach?

The most pressing issue facing South Beach is sea level rise, hands down. Residents encounter it every day, whether it’s sitting in traffic caused by street raising construction or planning routes to avoid sunny day flooding. Historic preservation is another ever-present challenge: how to maintain the iconic Art Deco architecture while adding modern conveniences — and resilience. South Beach is ground zero for experimentation on both fronts. It’s also constantly striving to strike a balance between luring tourists and remaining livable for the year-round folks.

Long before storm pumps and sea walls, there were corals and mangroves. The natural environment can teach us a thing or two about preparing for climate change.

The statewide ban on local Styrofoam bans doesn't apply to Miami Beach. Here's why.

As one of our most profitable industries, tourism has transformed Miami's economy and culture. With almost 15 million tourists in the last year, here's how visitors have contributed to our city.

All those iconic art deco buildings were once considered an eyesore, and while Miami was in the midst of a drug war, they were almost torn down. Find out where that unique South Beach look came from, and what it took to preserve it.

We've all been there, towed and carless on Miami Beach. We asked you to tell us your heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, funny but not really stories about being towed in Miami Beach. And man, you all delivered.