
Nope, Miami’s art market isn’t going to crash, says The Wolfsonian’s director

Miami’s art scene is headed for big things in 2017. Last year, our city got a whole slew of new museum and artistic directors, and this year they’re ready to shake things up. We’re going to be spending this month making the city’s movers and shakers nail down some resolutions and predictions for their work in 2017. This week we’re talking arts.

Tim Rodgers was announced The Wolfsonian’s new director in July 2015. Before that he was the head of Arizona’s Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art. This interview has been lightly edited for clarity and brevity. 

‘The art market will not crash’

The re-opening of the Bass and the opening of the ICA will be huge successes. The buildings are going to be remarkable and we’re going to be highly appreciative of what we’ve created.

The art market will not crash. There’s been a lot of talk about that, and it’s not going to happen. The art market isn’t a bubble market, this is going to be long term growth. I see this as being more stable than many other people might. There will be individual artists suffering highs and lows, but overall the art market will remain strong and grow into a strong future.

The art market will continue to expand and include more and more artist in countries outside of the Western hemisphere.

‘Get out more’

Because I’m relatively new here, I don’t feel like I’ve been attending as many events, openings, and exhibitions at all of the other institutions in town, at the the galleries and indie spaces.

I would like to get out more and see more. I’d like to get to know the arts community better and I don’t feel like I do at this point.