
Mamey? Mamey Sopate? What it tastes like – how to eat it – and facts 

Mamey? Mamey Sopate? What it tastes like – how to eat it – and facts 

A weird-looking exotic fruit that Miamians know well—mamey.

What does the Mamey taste like?

Forbes once called it Miami’s best kept secret and we agree. Once you open it up and take out that big black shell in the middle, the mamey is pretty tasty. Some say it tastes like a sweet potato, others say it tastes kind of like a carrot cake or a pumpkin pie.

It’s packed with vitamins B and C and can be enjoyed in plenty of delicious ways. 

Where did the Mamey come from?

Mamey sapote originated in Cuba, the Caribbean, Central America and parts of Mexico and has become a pretty common fixture at fruit stands all over the 305.

How do I eat  Mamey Sapote?

Mamey is super popular in batidos, Cuban-style milkshakes. You can follow this recipe from the Three Guys from Miami if you wanna make one. Mamey is also great in ice cream or you can just cut the fruit open, and scoop it out with a spoon.

Sliced mamey is also good for making pies and tarts and the fruit is often made into preserves and jellies.

what does mamey taste like and how do you eat mamey
Mamey growing on a tree

What is a tip about Mamey Sapotes?

Learn about the history of the fruit by tapping into the Mexican history and learn to make tejate. The so-called “drink of the gods” dates back to the ancient Aztecs and Oaxacan culture and peeling off the mamey’s black pit to get to the seed and then toasting and grounding it into a paste.

You can read all about tejate’s history here and here’s a recipe if you’re up for trying to making the drink.

[And what does tejate taste like? According to the Atlantic the tejate tastes likc: “The taste of tejate is something like a cross between lilac flowers and cocoa, with the texture of a tepid Wendy’s Frosty. Which is to say that it’s delicious, refreshing and surprisingly fortifying. Of all the ways cocoa beans are consumed, this is certainly one of the most”] traditional.”

Mamey sapote how to eat it, what does it taste like

Fun facts about Mamey

Fairchild Botanical Garden had one of the largest trees in Florida at one point and the fruit has been in SoFlo since the mid-1800s. 😮The fruit likely made its way to SoFlo from the Bahamas and seeds have been planted all over the area over the years—from Homestead up to Palm Beach.

Learn about other exotic fruits in Miami

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