
Dragon Fruit? What it tastes like – how to eat it – and facts 

Dragon Fruit? Pitaya? What it tastes like – how to eat it – and facts 

Despite a spiky exterior that matches its intimidating name, this fruit is actually pretty delicious and can be enjoyed a number of ways (just don’t eat the skin, it’s not very tasty).

This fruit contains a healthy hit of vitamin C and can be found in tropical climates.

Here are some more fun facts about the dragon fruit (pitaya)

What does dragon fruit taste like?

Tastes like: Raspberry, strawberry, and kiwi combined

Where dragon fruit comes from

The fruit originates from Mexico and parts of Latin America, where it was called “pitaya.” Then it eventually made its way to Asian countries where we think (even the USDA is unsure) it was renamed “dragon fruit” because of its fireball-like appearance.

what does dragon fruit taste like and how should i eat dragon fruit
Photo credit: Helen Thomas

What we know about dragon fruit

what does dragon fruit taste like how to I eat dragon fruit
Photo credit: Mae Mu

The fruit grows from a long, vine-covered cactus plant that also looks kinda like a dragon. (Sadly no dragons are involved.) And these plants are actually pretty easy to grow in South Florida. Here are some tips from a local Miami writer, from Fairchild Botanical Garden, on how to grow one in your own backyard.

How do I eat dragon fruit?

 When you cut it open, you’ll see that it looks and tastes a lot like a kiwi, with small black seeds and a white fleshy core. You can scoop it out and eat it, cut it into slices or into cubes and add it to a fruit salad.

If you’re really feeling adventurous, you can even sprinkle on some red chilli flakes and grill it or add it to a fruit kebab with some pineapple slices. You could also mix up a dragon fruit smoothie or try making some dragon fruit sangria.


Where can I buy dragon fruit?

Like many other exotic fruits, you can find the pitaya at fruit stands across the 305 and also at South Dade favorite Robert is Here.

Facts about dragon fruit

There is a sweet dragon fruit and a sour dragon fruit – they each come from their own genus. Same cactus family, though!

Dragon fruit is a soothing remedy for sunburn!

Want more fruit? Check out:


Share the dragon fruit love by offering up your own delicious or creative ways of enjoying this fruit!

Photo credits: Hellen Thomas and Mae Mu